Monday, March 15, 2010


Epik High is a South Korean indie hip hop group from Seoul, South Korea. The group is composed of Tablo, Mithra Jin and DJ Tukutz.

The video is called Fan and was released in 2007. This is song was made, according to Epik High for their fans but most importantly for anyone who has ever felt the pain of obsession. I do have very passionate interests but I don't have any sort of psychotic obsession. I've always been drawn to any a
rtistic depiction of obsession.

The first time I accidentally stumbled upon this video I was instantly hooked. My obsession grew with each passing day. I was in love. I fell in love with Korean Hip Hop because it was such a drastic change from mainstream North American Hip Hop. It was like a breath of fresh air. The songs were t
houghtfully written, the beats were carefully created and the verses were passionately delivered. Although my understanding of the language has grown since then, you don't have to understand the language to know what the video is about. The message is so strong. Emotions are universal. Its so human, so real.

I would just like to add that Tablo (the lead english speaking MC of the group) is an amazing writer and a huge inspiration. Tablo graduated from Stanford University with a masters d
egree in English Literature and wrote a novel in english entitled pieces of you (which I have and is really good).

Epik High established their independent label in 2009 and since then they have been enjoying 100% musical freedom from the control freak music industry and have paved the way for many underground artists seeking shine. Their website also features their map the soul clothing line called iced.

Their latest album is called Epilogue and this is their poster promoting their first single off the album, run.

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